TSuprem4 and Medici
Hints & Tips


Hint #1 10/20/98
Keywords: TSuprem4  Convergence
Generally TS4 requires a thick substrate (200um) for simulation. 
If this substrate is not truncated before device simulation is done, 
Medici may have convergence problems.  There are at least three ways to 
do the truncation:
a) Truncate the structure in TS4. 
b) Load it onto a smaller mesh in medici 
c) In Medici make the bulk electrode cover most of the substrate and 
   select the void flag on the electrode statement. 
Hint #2 10/20/98
Keywords: Medici Convergence
When stepping directly to a high bias, first turn off FLDMOB and solve 
at the desired bias.  Then turn FLDMOB back on and resolve. 
This seems to work well for most devices. 
Hint #3 10/20/98
Keywords: Tsuprem4 Multiple Implant
When doing multiple implants that are not separated by diffusion steps 
the flag ^D.RECOMB should be specified on all but the last implant. 
This allows damage to accumulate and can change the amorphization depth. 
Hint #4 10/20/98
Keywords: Tsuprem4 Amorphizing Implant
The default for the max.damage parameter is too large.  The default is 
5e22.  A more reasonable number is 5e21. 
Hint #5 10/20/98
Keywords: Medici Saving TIF files.
When saving tif files that have a large number of boundary segments between 
regions, it is necessary to specify MODELS ^GATE1 before the save. 
If this is not done, the large number of interface elements will crash 
the gate current caluculation.